Thank You for Contributing

Providing financial support is an important way that you can be involved in supporting the work of the Institute for Biblical Research (IBEX) and its subsidiaries. Support for the Jordan Valley Excavation Project (JVEP) is also managed by IBEX, and goes toward operating costs and student scholarships. IBEX is a registered 501(c)(3), and all gifts are tax-deductible. Simply click on the “Donate” button at the bottom of the page and follow the instructions.


If you prefer, you can send a check, made payable to IBEX. If your gift is for a specific purpose or project, simply indicate it in the memo line.


Send to:  

Attn: Dr. Ralph Hawkins

Department of Religion

Averett University

420 West Main St.

Danville, VA 24541

Contributors will receive a thank you note, along with a receipt for their contribution. We are grateful for your support! 
