In 2017, we supported the Jordan Valley Excavation Project (JVEP) in the excavation of Khirbet el-Mastarah, a site hidden in the desert of the Jordan Valley, about four miles north of Jericho. Dr. Ralph Hawkins, executive director of IBEX and professor of religion at Averett University, along with Dr. David Ben-Shlomo, associate professor of archaeology at Ariel University, served as co-directors of the project. They conducted a full season of excavations at the site and published their findings later that same year in Judea and Samaria Research Studies vol. 26, No. 2 (2017): *49-*82. For more information, see 


El Mastarah nestled in fork of wadi



Mastarah building with courtyard



Ralph Hawkins in el Mastarah oval enclosure