The Footsteps of God Publication Project
now accepting tax-exempt donations to cover the translation and publication of this important book!
During an archeological survey in Israel, the late Adam Zertal, Professor of Archaeology at the University of Haifa, discovered 6 mysterious enclosures that had been built by the early Israelites. He was fascinated by their size and locations but, more than anything, he noticed they all had something in common. They were all built in the shape of a “sandal” or a “footprint.”
In 2015, not long before his death, Zertal completed a Hebrew draft for a popularly written book about these structures entitled The Footsteps of God. This volume tells the story of Zertal’s discovery of these mysterious sites and his interpretation of them as the earliest sites of Israelite worship in the land, known as Gilgals.
In order to bring the news of this archeological discovery to the world, we are looking for donors willing to fund the translation and publication of this amazing book.
Project price is $19,000.
Estimated time for first copy: November 2020.
Every donation above $100 will receive a free copy of the book when it is ready.
Every donation above $1,000 will also be mentioned on a special Contributor Page in the book.
There are two ways you can donate:
1.) Send a check, made out to “IBEX” (the Institute for Biblical Exploration), with “Zertal book” in the subject line, to:
c/o Dr. Ralph K. Hawkins
Religion Department
Averett University
420 West Main St.
Danville, VA 24541
2.) Click on the “Donate” button at the top of the page and follow the instructions.
Every dollar will go directly to the publication project, since IBEX has no overhead.
Thank you in advance for your support of this exciting project!
Aaron Lipkin, CEO of Lipkin Tours, with Adam Zertal
Dr. Ralph Hawkins, Executive Director of The Institute for Biblical Exploration and co-director of the Jordan Valley Excavation Project
Aerial view of a Sandal-Site